Time Condition
It is used to create restrictions (time conditions) during specific time periods for certain reasons. The most common use is to differentiate between working and non-working hours in organizations. For example, if the working hours of your organization's operators are from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM, there will be no operators available to answer callers outside of those hours. Therefore, it is better to play an appropriate message for callers during those times to avoid dissatisfaction.
Component Parameters
Days of Week: In the weekly settings, there are parameters for all seven days of the week that are empty by default. Click the plus button to select a time range. Enter the start and end of the allowed range (multiple time ranges can be selected for a single day). Repeat this for other days and add the allowed ranges.
Month Exception: Select non-working months. The time condition will not apply in the selected months (the selected months take precedence over the ranges selected for the days).
Date Exception: Select non-working days. The time condition will not apply on the selected days (the selected days take precedence over the ranges selected for the days).
✓: The time condition is met.
✗: The time condition is not met.