General Settings
In this section, general settings related to the Call Center are applied.
Parameters of General Settings
PBX IP: Specifies the IP on which the IPPBX listens for requests. By default, it listens on all IPs.
PBX Port: Indicates the port on which the IPPBX listens. This value is set to 5060 by default.
Voice Language: The default audio files for the Call Center are available in Persian and English. You can select your preferred language for audio playback here.
Calendar Type: Determines the type of calendar used in the Call Center (Shamsi or Gregorian).
Use Captcha for Login: If this feature is enabled, a captcha code will be required on the login page after entering the username and password.
Country Dial Code: Specifies the country code (used in report modifications, removes the country code).
Region Dial Code: The regional dialing code is specified in this section (used in managing spam calls).
CSV File Separator: Specifies the character used to separate values in the Call Center's Excel files.