Account Type
In this section, access levels to the management web panel are managed.
Simotel Web Access Levels
Generally, Simotel web access is divided into three main categories:
Operation Access: This refers to the necessary access for performing an operation in the panel. Operations include:
- Read: Allows entry into a menu and viewing its content (lack of this access is akin to not having access to the menu).
- Update: Allows for adding, editing, and deleting operations within the menu.
- Play: Allows listening to audio files (in sections containing audio files).
Menu Access: Provides the ability to view and enter menus (in the web menu tree).
Content Access: Manages access to page content, which is done through user groups. For example, if a person only has access to the sales team reports, they will only see the relevant information in the reports.
Access Level Parameters
- Title: Title of the access level.
- Description: Description of the access level.
- Limited to groups: By selecting this option, the ability to set a group for content limitation is activated.
- Groups: Specify the group for content access limitation.
- Expirable: Allows defining a user account with a specified expiration date.
- Read: Clicking on the options in this column allows only viewing.
- Update: Clicking on the options in this column allows viewing and editing.
- Play: Clicking on the options in this column allows only viewing and playing audio files.
- Details:
- Remove: Used to delete the account type.
- Edit: Edit the user account type.
- Cut Current Access: Disconnects logged-in access (useful when changing access levels and wanting to cut off all existing access immediately, requiring everyone to log in with the new access level).