Real-Time Components
This section provides a detailed overview of each of the components that offer real-time output.
Trunk Status
This component displays the status of the trunks in the contact center. Its parameters include:
Title: Specifies the display name of the component on the page.
View as: Defines how the information is displayed, including options like:
Items: The component items include:
- Deactivated: Displays inactive trunks.
- Unavailable: Displays trunks that are unavailable for any reason (e.g., when there are issues accessing the Host).
- Ok: Displays trunks with an OK status.
Server Stats
This component shows information about CPU and RAM usage. Its parameters include:
Title: Specifies the display name of the component on the page.
View as: Defines how the information is displayed, including options like:
Items: The component items include:
Exten Status
This component provides a real-time status of the extensions in the contact center. Its parameters include:
Title: Specifies the display name of the component on the page.
View as: Defines how the information is displayed, including options like:
Items: The component items include:
- Idle: The extension is idle (ready to use).
- Ringing: The extension is ringing.
- In-Use: The extension is in use.
- Paused: The extension is paused.
- Unavailable: The extension is unavailable.
- Hold: Calls on hold.
- Invalid: The extension status is invalid.
Extensions: Allows specifying the extensions to include in the report.
Groups: If user groups are defined in the contact center, they can be selected here.
Agent Status
This component provides a real-time status of the agents in the contact center. Its parameters include:
Title: Specifies the display name of the component on the page.
View as: Defines how the information is displayed, including options like:
Items: The component items include:
- Idle: The agent is idle (ready to take calls).
- Ringing: The agent's phone is ringing.
- In-Use: The agent is currently using their phone.
- Paused: The agent is paused.
- Unavailable: The agent is unavailable.
- Hold: Calls on hold for the agent.
- Invalid: The agent's status is invalid.
Queue: Specifies the queues to be included in the report.