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Introduction and Settings


Simotel Event Webhooks are a collection of requests that send information about events occurring in the Call Center to your web service. Using Event Webhooks, you can quickly be informed about all the events happening in the Call Center. This section is responsible for managing all the events sent from Simotel to your web service.


To view the settings related to the Simotel Event Webhooks section, go to Maintenance > Settings > AP Settings. In the Simotel Event Webhooks section, there are various parts, which we will explain below.

Event Webhooks Enabled

This option determines whether the Event Webhooks service is enabled or not.

Event Webhooks Version

Simotel has the ability to send information to the web service in various formats. In general, there are two main formats:

  • G (General) Services: In G services, all events are exclusively sent to the web service URL, and the provider separates the events using the event_name parameter.

  • Rest Services: In Rest services, the event name is appended to the end of the URL, and then the information is sent to the web service.

Example of a Rest call:

Call <WebService_address>/newstate
Call <WebService_address>/cdr

Request Method

  • Get: Simotel sends the data as parameters to the web service.

  • Post: From version 4 (Rest4, G4), data is sent in JSON format in the request body to the web service. In versions 2 and 3, data is sent as parameters, similar to GET.

Example of a G4 service call:

	curl -u username:password --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"event_name": "NewState",
"exten": "991",
"state": "Unavailable"

Example of a Rest4 service call:

	curl -u username:password --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"event_name": "NewState",
"exten": "991",
"state": "Unavailable"


In this section, the system's events and information are categorized, and depending on your needs, you specify which information should be sent to the WebService. The events and their details will be examined more thoroughly in the upcoming sections.

API Address

Here, the web service URL is provided.

API Username

If authentication is required by the web service, the username is entered here.

API Password

If authentication is required by the web service, the password is entered here.


In some SEA events, there is a parameter called unique_id. For every call made in the system, a unique identifier is generated. Therefore, using the unique_id, you can identify the different events related to a specific call.