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simotelhelper Tool

simotelhelper is a command-line tool for managing and maintaining Call Center services. It plays a crucial role in troubleshooting processes and is often one of the first tools used for system diagnostics.


simotelhelper is a command-line tool, and you need shell access to the Linux server to use it.


It is recommended not to use this tool until you have a clear understanding of how the Call Center and its core services operate.

Below are the commands related to this tool, explained in detail.

simotelhelper help

This command outputs a guide of available commands.

Sample Output:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper help
Simotel Helper

simotelhelper [flags]
simotelhelper [command]

Available Commands:
check check simotel tools and server
db do something on database
help Help about any command
initiate initiate simotel
iptables manage iptables
patch patch
reinstall doing update
scmid show scmid
serial show serial
serverstatus Server status
timezone change server timezone
update doing update
version show simotel helper version

-h, --help help for simotelhelper
--host string Address of server (default "")
--port int Port of server (default 4994)

Use "simotelhelper [command] --help" for more information about a command.

simotelhelper check

This command checks the status of vital server services and provides a report.

Sample Output:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper check

Simotel version : 6.2.22
simotelhelper version : 23

Simotel package p38: 1
Sound PR: 8
PBX configs version: 8

Simotelagi: RUNNING
simotelhelper: RUNNING
Mongodb: RUNNING

As shown, the output includes information about the installed Simotel version, the simotelhelper version, sound file versions, and the status of Call Center services.

simotelhelper db

This command performs database-related tasks. The arguments related to this command are explained below.

simotelhelper db help

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper db help
do something on database

simotelhelper db [command]

Available Commands:
backup backup database by some strategies
connect connect to mongodb cli
repair repair database
restore restore backup files to database
start start database
status show database status
stop stop database

-h, --help help for db

Global Flags:
--host string Address of server (default "")
--port int Port of server (default 4994)

Use "simotelhelper db [command] --help" for more information about a command.
subcommand is required

The output provides a guide to the commands related to database management.

simotelhelper db backup

This command is responsible for creating backup files of the database. To see the types of backup strategies, use the command simotelhelper db backup show.

Output of simotelhelper db backup show:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper db backup show

strategies description
all backup full database (simotel and autodialer)
all-no-reports backup all simotel data expect reports
custom selective backup
dashboard backup dashboards
dialer backup autodialer without reports
dialer-report backup autodialer reports
dialer-sounds backup autodialer sounds (announcements)
pbx backup pbx entities, burst calls, voice mails and dial plan editor
reports backup cdr, cdr of queues, queue logs and poll
settings backup setting
sound backup simotel sounds (announcements)
voice-mail backup simotel voice mails with sounds (db format)
web-members backup web accounts and account types

This section displays various backup strategies, and by writing the name of the strategy before the command, the system will start backing up.

Output of simotelhelper db backup pbx:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper db backup pbx
DEBUG 2021-06-23T12:03:04.454+0430 writing Simotel.dialplan_editor_history to archive '/var/spool/simotel/backup/cli/Simotel-pbx-20210623-1203.gz.creating'
DEBUG backup completed, successfully. /var/spool/simotel/backup/cli/Simotel-pbx-20210623-1203.gz

By entering this command, the system begins backing up the contents of the pbx section, and the backup file path is displayed (useful for restoring backups).

simotelhelper db connect

This command allows direct connection to the MongoDB shell.

Output of simotelhelper db connect:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper db connect
MongoDB shell version v4.4.0
connecting to: mongodb://
Welcome to the MongoDB shell.

If you are not familiar with designing and working with MongoDB databases, it is strongly advised not to use this command or make changes at the database level.

simotelhelper db repair

If there is an issue with the database's performance, this command can be used to resolve the problem.

Output of simotelhelper db repair:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper db repair
Successfully stop mongodb
Do you want to make a copy of "db" before repairing to "/usr/src/mongodb/dbdata/db-back-repair/" ? [y/n]
{"t":{"$date":"2021-06-23T12:22:58.472+04:30"},"s":"I", "c":"CONTROL", "id":23138, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Shutting down","attr":{"exitCode":0}}

simotelhelper db restore

This command is responsible for restoring backups of the Call Center. It requires the backup file path as an input parameter.

Output of simotelhelper db restore BackupPath:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper db restore /var/spool/simotel/backup/cli/Simotel-pbx-20210623-1203.gz

Drop collections of database before restore? [Y/n] ?
DEBUG 2021-06-23T12:29:44.190+0430 preparing collections to restore from
DEBUG 2021-06-23T12:29:44.685+0430 112 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.

simotelhelper db start

This command starts the database.

Output of simotelhelper db start:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper db start
Successfully start mongodb
about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.

simotelhelper db status

This command displays the status of the database.

Output of simotelhelper db status:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper db status
Mongodb status: Running

simotelhelper db stop

This command stops the database.

Output of simotelhelper db stop:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper db stop
Successfully stop mongodb

simotelhelper iptables

This command manages iptables configurations.

Output of simotelhelper iptables --help:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper iptables --help
manage iptables

simotelhelper iptables [command]

Available Commands:
apply apply last iptables configuration
boot manage iptables booting
export export iptables
flush flush(stop) iptables
import import iptables
panel manage iptables panel view

-h, --help help for iptables

Global Flags:
--host string Address of server (default "")
--port int Port of server (default 4994)

Use "simotelhelper iptables [command] --help" for more information about a command.

simotelhelper patch

This command manages patches provided for the Call Center.

Output of simotelhelper patch:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper patch
checking for new patches update
4 update available for you.
available patches are:
Choose patch id:

By entering the ID corresponding to each row, the latest patch for the system can be installed.

Output of simotelhelper patch more:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper patch more
available categories are:
Choose category id:

This command provides a category of patches available for the Call Center version.

simotelhelper serial

This command outputs the serial number assigned to the Call Center.

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper serial

simotelhelper serverstatus

This command provides information about the server and installed services.

Output of simotelhelper serverstatus:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper serverstatus
"Host": {
"platform": "debian",
"platformVersion": "10.6",
"kernelVersion": "4.19.0-11-amd64",
"Version": {
"Simotel": "6.2.22",
"SimotelEdition": "gold",
"Helper": "23"

simotelhelper timezone

This command manages the server's timezone.

simotelhelper update

This command installs new updates available for the system.

Output of simotelhelper update:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper update
doing update

simotelhelper update [command]

Available Commands:
check check for new updates
dialer update simotel dialer
helper update simotel helper
simotel update simotel simotel

-h, --help help for update

Global Flags:
--host string Address of server (default "")
--port int Port of server (default 4994)

Use "simotelhelper update [command] --help" for more information about a command.
subcommand is required

At this stage, one of the options must be selected to check for updates.

Output of simotelhelper update check:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper update check
simotel: up to date
helper: up to date

simotelhelper version

This command shows the version of simotelhelper installed on the server.

Output of simotelhelper version:

root@simotel:~# simotelhelper version
simotelhelper version is 23